Lunt Solar Scope Plus
I wanted a setup that had everything together, got tired of dragging half the house outside.

The dolly I got from Ebay It folds up and I like the way the 3” wheels lock and unlock.

The mount is a Coronado DSM mount for solar scopes, works great for this size scope. I got it from Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope

A pair of Orion 90mm rings are used to mount the computer, Acer Aspire One, to the telescope. A tee plate was mounted to the rings with 1/2” spacers. Velcro was placed on top of this, to mount the computer too.
The Sol Searcher was mounted to the bottom of plate the telescope is mounted on. I found a finger mouse on Ebay, that works well with this setup. With the computer display up it acts as a sun shield. I really like this setup I can be out and running in a couple minutes.