My father, Bruce Hegerberg, dedicated his life to the study of astronomy and in particular to solar studies. His greatest wish was to inspire children to explore astronomy. It was that passion for education that led him to inventing the Sun Gun and sharing it with the world. It is my hope that in publishing this website that his legacy will live on well after I am gone.
I know that in time many of the links contained in this book may well become obsolete, but it is my hope that the ideas contained herein will provide inspiration for generations to come to both replicate and advance upon the concepts presented, given whatever access you have to materials wherever and whenever you choose to begin your path of exploration.
My father was inspired by science at an early age and was entirely self-taught. After graduating high school, like most of the boys in his neighborhood, college was a expense far beyond their financial means, so he entered the US Marine Corps. My father was a proud Marine and often told us stories of his days in the Corps. To this day we donate whenever we can to the
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation in his memory and would ask that you do the same if you would like to honor him too. He later worked as an Industrial Controls Consultant, again teaching himself computer languages and electronics, to start his own business.
Up until his last days he was tinkering with whatever was laying around the house, coming up with new ideas all the time of how to get kids interested in science and how to make astronomy exploration affordable for adults.
He was the light of our lives, and it is of such great pride to my mother and I to see how children and adults alike at museums across the United States continue to be inspired by his invention. As my father always said,